Showing posts with label Payasam recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Payasam recipes. Show all posts

Aval payasam - Aval payasam using rock candy (kalakandu or misri) - Poha kheer

Aval or Poha or rice flakes is said to be Lord Krishna's favorite. 

Aval payasam is usually made using sugar or jaggery. I usually prefer jaggery, as it has iron content and it is healthier than sugar. 

Here I have made another version of aval payasam using rock candy or misri, which gives a rich sweetness. It is big kalandu in Tamil.  

In Hindu tradition, misri is offered to the lord and distributed as Prasad. So I have used misri.

Papaya thoran - Kappalanga / Omakka thoran - Raw pappaya porial

Papaya, as we all know, is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins A, and C. It also contains vitamins E and K, potassium, and has many...